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Random Reviews
Welcome to the fantastical home of Random Reviews, the beating heart of this website for the last 20 years.
These pages have historically been home to eye-aching colour schemes, head-scratching content and unparalleled artistic bravery.
Plus a lot of text. Too much text, some would say.
At present you can find every review ever on this page, because there are only 7 of them - but don't worry, I'll do a search thingy in the unlikely event things ever get out of hand.

Exotic Meat Review
Rowland eats a variety of creatures his brother sent him for his birthday.

Come Dine With Me Special
Rowland relives a fraught and drunken couple of weeks of food, alcohol and healthy competition

Come Dine With Me Special: Preview
Rowland introduces the contestants for the keenly awaited 'Come Dine With Me' Challenge!

Plymouth Architectural Review
Rowland passionately reviews a selection of the architecture from his home town.

"How to Boil an Egg" Review
Rowland shows how the simplest cookery task can be made anything but, in the Cookery Corner soft boiled egg review!

Present Review Feedback
In response to Rowland's original Christmas Present Review, his brother reviews his own Christmas crop.

Useless Present Review
In this first ever Cookery Corner article, Rowland bravely says what everyone else was thinking and reviews his Christmas presents.