Websites are rubbish
Rowland Coping, Wednesday 16th February 2022
To the untrained eye the website may have looked complete as I live blogged the Superbowl on Sunday night, but in actual fact every single day I find a new thing going wrong with it.
I never had this problem when it was just a page of html. And actually I used to wonder what the big deal was as web developers I worked with struggled with unknowable problem after unknowable problem - but given that relatively speaking even now I'm playing with a Duplo set here I'm starting to appreciate it a bit more.
Cookery Corner is nowhere near letting you, the public, at it yet. But you got to have a dream.
Meanwhile, all the recipes from Sunday are now live - well the chilli, the coleslaw and the chicken are anyhow! As far as Cookery Corner goes, this is a content deluge.
Finally, I need to take care of some outstanding business. Gus barnacle, I did get your message, I just don't have the faintest idea what to do with it is all. And Margaritadum I'm sorry, I'm good for Russian brides right now.